Pursuant to the requirement of the ISM Code, PNSC developed its Safety Management System incorporating all the elements of the code taking into account all applicable codes, guidelines and standards recommended by the Administration, classification societies and the maritime industry.
In Pakistan National Shipping Corporation, we believe that the best safeguard against accidents is a genuine safety culture-awareness and awareness on the part of those involved, and the establishment of safety as a permanent and natural feature of organizational decision making.
For further enquiries, assistance and advice on matter pertaining to Safety Management System and ISPS matters, contact:
Capt. Ahmed Qayyum Khan
Manager ISM Cell/Training Section and Company Security Officer
1st Floor, ISM CODE CELL/Training Section, PNSC Building, Moulvi Tamizuddin Khan Road, Karachi-Pakistan.
Tel. No: 00-92-21-99203980-99 (6025)
Mobile: +92-300-0566536
Fax: 00-92-21-9203974, 35636658
E-Mail: ahmad.khan@pnsc.com.pk / vism@pnsc.com.pk